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Best Tips For The Optimization Of Products On Amazon

Best Tips For The Optimization Of Products On Amazon

Optimization of products is very important to earn from any business and especially if you are selling and working on the Amazon platform, you have to be very careful to attract your potential customers. Not SEO or product title or content writing but optimization of products also include image enhancement. A flawless optimization and image enhancement can leverage your business to new heights and can keep you at pace with your competitors.

Amazon Image Processing

In brick and mortar business, you can touch the product physically which instantly persuade you to buy it but in the case of online business, the image is the only weapon to attract the customer. Thus, it has to be 100% perfect when it comes to image enhancement. This is the sole reason, sellers pay special attention to make the visual perception exceptionally fine to keep pace with the competitors.

On Amazon, the primary attracting point of a product is its realistic image and there are some rules to upload on the platform as well such as every image has to have a white background. Here are the other services that are required for a perfect product image.

1. Image Enhancement

Amazon sellers have to follow strict image editing standards otherwise may lead to less customer attraction or issue in uploading. Image editing with high quality is the primary step of processing.

2. Image Retouching

Lighting correction and retouches of the product’s photo is a necessary step for an undefined clarity.

3. Image Resizing

Image cropping includes alteration of image dimensions should be according to the Amazon’s standards.

4. Image Masking & Background Removal

In the case of Amazon, the white background image is most preferable. Professionals take care of blurred images as well through image masking.

5. Noise Reduction

To make your product’s image a perfect one, removal of noise is very important.

6. Orientation

Perfect image orientation can showcase the best features of an image of the image and can make it the winner.

7. Image Correction

It includes correction of contrast, brightness, resolution and colors.

8. Image Naming
It is essential to provide easy and recognizable names to Amazon product images.

Accurate Amazon Listing Optimization

Optimization of product listing is the primary element of a product page. Check out some of the quintessential tips to get 100% accurate Amazon Listing Optimization.

1. Product Title

  • Require product titles with 200 character limit
  • Include all essential product information
  • Use numeric for numbers
  • Each word should have the first letter in upper case

2. Product Features

  • Include the most important USPs of the product
  • Keep it short
  • Include targeted keywords
  • Use bullet points

3. Product Description

  • Make it original, precise and informative
  • Should SEO rich
  • Should be easy to read
  • Use proper structuring 

4. Product Images

  • Require high-resolution images
  • Use image processing 
  • Use real-life images

5. Product Pricing

  • Competitor analysis is important to optimize the pricing
  • Balancing between current & discounted/sales rates

Get professionals to help in Amazon listing optimization with Amazon Data Guru and see your business reach the pinnacle in coming years.